PurchasingThe basis for your profits

With the purchasing programs in winweb-food, you create a reliable foundation for decision-making for optimal material procurement.

The integrated system provides you with all the information on suppliers, items, prices and conditions necessary for purchasing quickly and reliably. At the push of a button, you receive all the relevant data from the areas of warehousing, empty containers, quality management, batch tracking and your planning and scheduling data.

You are optimally supported in obtaining the exact required materials in the best possible conditions. For the planning, control and monitoring of your purchase, a flexible and fast evaluation program (Purchase-MIS) is available for detailed analysis of your suppliers, items, quantities and prices.

testimonial logo

„With the purchasing module, the procurement of all required raw and auxiliary materials is handled quickly and reliably.“

Martin Schröder General Manager of Schröders Fleisch GmbH, Willich

Functions at a glance

Basic data

Suppliers, supplier groups, purchase prices, supplier item numbers/designations and supplier item EAN codes, supplier item assortment, terms of payment

Touch – incoming goods / MDE – incoming goods

Recording of the actual situation of incoming goods via ergonomic touch systems or MDE-systems. Weighing, scanning, inspection of quality assurance features, batching and labeling, collection of empty containers, incoming goods note printing


Incoming invoice receipt book, direct transfer of delivery data from incoming goods, printing of a posting display, transfer to financial accounting and cost center accounting


Traceability, origin and labeling of goods, quality assurance, supplier evaluation, evaluation of delivery reliability and open orders

Device connections

Connection to common industrial scales, flap and tube track control, scanners

Automatic data acquisition

EDI incoming goods declaration (RECADV), EDI payment notification (REMADV), INTRASTAT notifications, automatic document generation and data transfer from INVOIC and DESADV

Price management

Supplier-price comparison, supplier contracts, fee reductions

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